Latitude: 34š27'30"
Longitude: 117š53'37"

Number of Bench marks: 6

Number of Surveys to 1993: 6
Date of Initial Survey: 22 October 1978
Date of Latest Survey: 31 July 1991

Trespass Permission: Part of the array is on private property. The landowner should be notified prior to surveying.

Directions: From Pearblossum, proceed south on Longview Road to Fort Tejon Road. Turn left, proceed about 200 m to 131st St. E. Turn right and proceed south on 131st St. E. to Pallett Creek Road. The array spans the San Andreas fault about 400 m northeast of the in tersection of 131st St. E. and Pallett Creek Road

This is a doubly-braced quadrilateral across a sag in the San Andreas fault zone. Bench marks are Class B rod marks driven to refusal and capped with a stainle ss steel nipple. No changes have been observed in the line lengths among the bench marks.

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