Latitude: N 34°52'07"
Longitude: W 119°13'02"
Length: 1162.4m
Number of Bench marks: 43
Number of Surveys to 2000: 9
Date of Initial Survey: 11 August 1982
Date of Latest Survey: 17 September 1996
Trespass Permission: None Needed
From Frazier Park, proceed about 17.5 miles west through Lake of the Woods
and Pine Mountain past Apache Saddle to a U.S. Forest Service dirt road 9N27
on the north side of the road that leads to Caballo and Marian campgrounds.
The line extends through Caballo campground.
This irregular-shaped array crosses a fault-bounded pressure ridge in the
San Andreas fault zone, 19 miles west of Frazier Park.
The character of bench mark height changes is different on each side of the
San Andreas fault. Bench marks northeast of the fault are Class B rods driven
into the canyon alluvium above igneous and metamorphic basement rocks, whereas
bench marks southwest of the fault are also Class B rodmarks in crushed and
sheared Tertiary sedimentary rocks. Although surveying commenced at this
site in 1982, the first indication of bench mark stability is reflected only
in the 1986 survey. The changes among the bench mark heights are on
the same order of magnitude as the uncertainties from 1986 to 1996, and indicate
that significant changes have not occurred at this site.
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