CAMERON Level Line

Latitude: N 35°05'37"
Longitude: W 118°18'16"

Length: 738.5m
Number of Bench marks: 24

Number of Surveys to 2000: 6
Date of Initial Survey: 13 August 1985
Date of Latest Survey: 23 July 1991

Trespass Permission: Permission and proof of liability insurance required by the landowner and the ranch foreman.

In Mojave, from the traffic light at the Y intersection between Highways 58 and 14 at the north end of town, drive north on Highway 58 toward Tehachapi. Drive 10 miles and turn left at the Cameron exit across the bridge over the highway. Turn right at th e frontage road and follow it to a railroad crossing. The level line crosses the road 200m beyond the railroad track. It is at the intersection of Cameron Canyon and Sand Canyon in Tehachapi Pass.

This is an L-shaped array across the Garlock fault near the Cameron railway siding, four miles ESE of the town of Monolith.

Bench marks north of the Garlock fault vary insignificantly from one another, whereas those south and east of the fault have subsided progressively since 1987 relative to marks north of the fault. The subsidence may be due to lowering of the water south of the fault during the 1985-1991 drought, inasmuch the Garlock fault probably acts as a ground water barrier to the north to south flow of surface water, so that the south side is starved and subsides for that reason.


Sylvester, A. G., 1992. Nearfield interseismic vertical strain on the central Garlock fault, southern California, 1984-91. Geophysical Research Letters 19 (10), 1037-1040.

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