Latitude: N 34°57'48"
Longitude: W 119°26'41"
Length: 1376.0m
Number of Bench marks: 26
Number of Surveys to 2000: 1
Date of Initial Survey: 20 July 1982
Date of Latest Survey: 20 July 1982
Trespass Permission: None needed.
The array is on the northwest side of Highway 33 at Reyes Station in the
southwest corner of Kern County, 15 miles south of the town of Taft.
This is part of a longer line of fault-crossing bench marks established by
the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1935. UCSB has done only one survey
here. Several bench marks have subsided relative to others by downslope creep.
Others have been oblitera ted since 1935.
The line is particularly hazardous to survey owing to the heavy truck traffic
and the narrow highway shoulder and has not been surveyed since 1982 for
that reason.
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