Latitude: N 35°55'55"
Longitude: W 120°31'18"

Length: 1039.4m
Number of Bench marks: 19

Number of Surveys to 2000: 6
Date of Initial Survey: 26 June 1984 (UCSB)
Date of Latest Survey: 28 June 1990 (UCSB)

Trespass Permission: None needed although most of the line is on private property.

From the bridge at Parkfield, drive northwest on Vineyard Canyon Road. After 4.3 miles, Vineyard Canyon Road becomes Slack Canyon Road at a T intersection. Continue 0.7 mile on Slack Canyon Road. The line begins at a power pole near the fence on the south side of the road, follows the fence to a gate, and turns southeast across the field and up an unnamed canyon.

The L-shaped array was established by the U.S. Geological Survey as a tilt array on the southwest side of the San Andreas fault northwest of Parkfield. Points ECC01 and ECC02 were destroyed between 1987 and 1990.

From 1984 to 1990, bench mark heights have varied as much as a millimeter, as shown in an accompanying diagram, but the entire array has shown no overall tilt. Most of the bench marks in the SE-trending leg of the array have been obliterated, so the array is all but abandoned.

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