Latitude: N 33°06'18"
Longitude: W 115°50'24"

Length: 422.4m
Number of Bench marks: 12

Number of Surveys to 2000: 6
Date of Latest Survey: 12 November 1994
Date of Initial Survey: 30 March 1989

Trespass Permission: None required.

From Westmorland, proceed WNW 14.5 miles on Hwy 86 to Kane Spring. Take old Kane Spring Road (Jeep Trail) west-southwest about 0.25 mile. Array straddles the dirt road.

This short line is part of a quadrilateral that was established to monitor future activity on a northeast-striking fault thought to be connected seismotectonically to the Superstition Hills fault and to the seismo-mechanics of the Salton basin (Hudnut et a l., 1989).

Three levelings are compared in an accompanying diagram. The height changes of the bench marks vary insignficantly among three levelings in three years, although the behavior of the two bench marks at the southeast end of the line s uggest that an active, undetected fault strand may exist between bench marks KS11 and KS12.

Hudnut, K. W., L. Seeber, and J. Pacheco, 1989. Cross-fault triggering in the November 1987 Superstition Hills earthquake sequence, southern California. Geophysical Research Letters 16 (2), 199-202.

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