Latitude: N 38°21'58"
Longitude: W 118°03'08"
Length: 554.9m
Number of Bench marks: 36
Number of Surveys to 2000: 6
Date of Initial Survey: 11 July 1985
Date of Latest Survey: 21 August 1993
Trespass Permission: Permission to trespass is required.
From Mina, Nevada, drive southeast across the valley 3 miles to Water Canyon.
The fault crosses the mouth of the canyon. This line is three miles ESE of
the townsite of Sodaville, Nevada.
This line was established in July 1985 in response to a tip from R.E. Wallace
(U.S.G.S.) who heard from Norm Sleep that a water pipe across the fault at
the west front of the Pilot Mountains broke at the fault every so often.
We have not been able to conf irm this story in direction conversation with
officials of the Mina Water Department. A new water line was placed in the
canyon in 1986, obliterating bench marks numbered 29 through 36.
No significant changes are evident among the re maining bench marks in the
two most recent surveys shown in an accompanying diagram. The apparent subsidence
of the block east of the fault is opposite to the physiography and the geologic
and historic sense of separation across the fault.
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