Latitude: N 33°35'00"
Longitude: W 116°26'00"
Length: 2584.3m
Number of Bench marks: 70
Number of Surveys to 2000: 22
Date of Initial Survey: 13 October 1979
Date of Latest Survey: 12 July 1996
Trespass Permission: Permission to trespass is required
From Palm Desert in Coachella Valley, proceed south on Highway 74 for 15
miles to Pinyon Road. Turn right on Pinyon Road and foll ow it about one
mile as it makes a broad left arc. Turn right onto Jeraboa Road and drive
2.1 miles north to the gate of Pinyon Flat Geophysical Observatory.
This box-shaped array was established at the Pinyon Flat Geophysical Observatory
to provide precise geodetic control for the various crustal strain experiments
being conducted at the Observatory. Several kinds of bench marks have been
added at various tim es to test their stability. A report about the behavior
of some of these bench marks was published by Sylvester (1984).
Reference :
Sylvester, A.G., 1984. Leveling precision and bench mark motions, Pinon Flat
Observatory, California. Journal of Geophysical Research 89 (B9),
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