Latitude: N 34°18'03"
Longitude: W 118°25'35"

Length: 194.0m
Number of Bench marks: 5

Number of Surveys to 2000: 11
Date of Initial Survey: 13 February 1971
Date of Latest Survey: 29 August 1985

Trespass Permission: None required.

In the San Fernando area, take Interstate 210 to the MacClay Street turnoff, proceed southwest on MacClay Street two blocks to Cometa Avenue; thence right (northwest) to the intersection of Cometa Avenue and Fernmont Street. The center point of the array is in the intersection.

This short array was established across the surface rupture of the San Fernando fault following the earthquake of 9 February 1971. Data and interpretations pertaining to vertical displacements within a year of the earthq uake were published by Sylvester and Pollard (1975).

Subsequent resurveys have revealed no significant displacement across the fault.

Sylvester, A.G. and D.D. Pollard. 1975. Afterslip on the Sylmar fault segment, pp. 227-233, in Oakeshott, G.B., editor, San Fernando, California, earthquake of 9 February 1971. California Division of Mines and Geology Bulletin 196, 463 p.

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