Latitude: N 34°05'08"
Longitude: W 117°18'37"
Length: 537.1m
Number of Bench marks: 18
Number of Surveys to 2000: 10
Date of Initial Survey: 19 July 1985
Date of Latest Survey: 21 July 1995
Trespass Permission: Trespass permit required from:
San Bernardino Valley College
701 South Vernon Avenue
San Bernardino, CA 92410
In San Bernardino, drive south on Highway 215 to the Mill Street exit. Proceed
west and follow the signs to V alley College. Turn left on to I Street to
get to Mill Street and turn right. Then from Mill Street, turn left on Mt.
Vernon to the campus. The level line begins in the southwest corner of the
faculty parking lot in the southwest corner of the the campu s.
This line was established across the Claremont strand of the San Jacinto
fault on the campus of San Bernardino Valley College.
Seven levelings from July 1985 to January 1990 are compared in an accompanying
figure. Relative to the w est half of the line, the east half has subsided
about 15 mm in the five years. The San Jacinto fault is a groundwater barrier
in this location, and the water ponds on the north and east side of the fault.
One explanation of the data is that the water ta ble has dropped on the northeast
side of the fault in response to groundwater withdrawal during the drought
years 1986 to 1991.
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