Latitude: N 37°24'16"
Longitude: W 118°18'46"
Length: 1056.9m
Number of Bench marks: 35
Number of Surveys to 2000: 7
Date of Initial Survey: 5 August 1987
Date of Latest Survey: 16 August 1995
Trespass Permission: None needed.
Travel north on 395 through Bishop. Continue north on Highway 6 toward Tonopah.
After crossing the Owens River (just before Laws), turn right o nto Silver
Canyon Road and proceed east on paved and dirt roads up the alluvial fan.
The beginning of the line (SC01) is 25 m south of Silver Canyon Road, 2 miles
from the intersection at Highway 6.
From White Mountain Research Station: Proceed west on East Line Road to the
Laws-Poleta Road. Turn right and proceed north until it deadends at Silver
Canyon Road. Turn right and proceed up the fan to the start of the line.
This line crosses the main traces of the White Mountain fault zone along
the west base of the White Mountains one mile east of Laws. The line was
extended 183 m eastward up Silver Canyon in 1990.
Four levelings from 1987 to 1992 are compared in an accompanying figure.
The east half of the line rose nearly 3 mm in four years, relative to the
west half, and then subsided about 1 mm. It is also possible to infer that
the line has tilted westward abo ut 2 microradians in five years.
Up one level
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