Latitude: N 35°52'36"
Longitude: W 120°24'57"
Distance: 1293.5m
Number of Bench marks: 8
Number of Surveys to 2000: 7
Date of Initial Survey: 22 August 1987
Date of Latest Survey: 10 September 1996
Trespass Permission: None needed.
From the Parkfield Bridge: Drive southeast on Cholame Road 2.3 miles to Parkfield
Cemetary Road. The line begins on Parkfield Cemetary Road ab out 375 m southwest
of the intersection; it proceeds up to and northwest along Cholame Road to
Turkey Flat Road, thence along Turkey Flat Road across the fault.
From Highway 46: Drive northwest on Cholame Road 12.5 miles to the Parkfield
Cemetary road.
This line was established across the San Andreas fault by the U.S. Geological
Survey, 2 miles southeast of Parkfield.
Six levelings in nine years are plotted in an accompanying graph. Except
for the first bench mark northeast of the San Andreas fault, there is no
indication of displacement across the fault nor of nearfield tilt.
Sylvester, A. G., 1995. Nearfield vertical displacement in the creeping segment
of the San Andreas fault, central California, 1975 to 1994. Tectonophysics
247, 25-47.
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